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Membership Type (choose one) 40.00 Regular
Any person who is a professional associated with a particular Specialty Court in Texas or with the Specialty Court movement in Texas, or who otherwise is involved in the administration of justice in Texas may become a Regular member upon the payment of dues. Regular members may vote, hold office and serve on committees.
$36.00 Associate
Any consultant or vendor, or other person interested in a particular Specialty Court in Texas or with the Specialty Court movement in Texas may become an Associate member upon the payment of dues. Associate members may serve on committees; however, they shall not hold office and shall not vote.
$27.00 Graduate
Any graduate of a particular Specialty Court in Texas may become a Graduate member upon the payment of dues. Graduate members may serve on committees; however, they shall not hold office and shall not vote.
$27.00 Retired
Upon retirement, any Regular member in good standing is eligible for this class of membership upon the payment of dues. Retired members may vote and serve on committees, but they shall not hold office.
$360.00 Sustaining
Any person or persons, firm or corporation interested in furthering the goals of this organization is eligible for this class of membership. A Sustaining Membership includes 10 Sustaining members. Sustaining members may serve on committees; however, they shall not vote and shall not hold office.
$350.00 Organizational
Comprised of a group of 10-regular members who are professionals associated with a particular Specialty Court in Texas or with the Specialty Court movement in Texas, or who otherwise are involved in the administration of justice in Texas. Organizational members may vote, hold office and serve on committees
$300.00 Lifetime
Any individual in good standing may pay this one-time fee to receive lifetime membership status. After this one-time payment, the individual will not be required to pay annual dues. The lifetime member will have all rights and privileges associated with the annual membership classification.