SCRC – Training and Technical Assistance Bureau Nomination Form

About the TTA Bureau

The SCRC TTA Bureau is seeking nominations for specialty/treatment court experts, across Texas, who have successfully implemented the national standards in their own courts and have been recognized by their peers as sources of knowledge and expertise.

The Bureau will allow specialty court practitioners to access training and technical assistance from local specialty court experts. The training and technical assistance is comprehensive and specific to each individual program’s needs and will help specialty courts develop, implement, and sustain evidence-based practices.

Continued involvement with the SCRC TTA Bureau will be contingent upon desire to continue to serve and relevance to the field.

Experts Wanted

The Bureau is seeking a sustainable learning community of:

  1. Local judges
  2. Prosecutors and defense attorneys
  3. Coordinators
  4. Case managers
  5. Probation staff
  6. Treatment providers
  7. Law enforcement officer
  8. Recovery experts

Responsibilities of a TTA Bureau Member: A member of the SCRC TTA Bureau is expected to actively support jurisdictions’ efforts to achieve the state’s specialty court best practice standards by providing tailored, role-based training and technical assistance, for specified court types.

Nomination Process

Please fill out the following nomination form. The nominee must be able to effectively meet the responsibilities of TTA Bureau Members mentioned above. The SCRC will consider each candidate's background and expertise in the following areas:

  1. Comprehensive knowledge of adopted best practice standards for designated court(s).
  2. Technical competency and knowledge of best practice implementation.
  3. Ability to effectively communicate knowledge and expertise.
  4. Professional background and contributions to Texas specialty courts.
  5. Ability to tailor support and training and technical assistance when requested.


Thank you for your nomination!
Please contact Amber Gregory at or (936) 294-3916 for any additional questions.