The Correctional Management Institute of Texas at Sam Houston State University manages the Network of Corrections Experts Resource (NICER), a resource of correctional professionals ready and willing to offer their expertise worldwide. Through NICER, we serve as a resource for the U.S. State Department as they seek expertise to provide short term training and consulting services to countries they work with across our globe.

Experts Wanted

We are seeking correctional professionals that have expertise in:

Apply Today

After submitting your application, you will be notified if you are accepted into the network. Your information will be provided to the U.S. State Department as they seek expertise in specific correctional arenas based on the interest and needs of different countries.

Before Applying

Please be aware that this is an extensive application. You will be required to upload a resume in either PDF or .doc format. If you have any questions please contact Doug Dretke at 936-294-1675 or djdretke@shsu.edu